The strategic roles of middle management in contemporary organizations: A systematic review of the literature
middle management, stakeholders, VOSviewer, bibliometric analysis, framework de Wooldridge et al.(2008)Abstract
Purpose of the study: To investigate the roles of middle management in the strategy process and its results, which support performance in dimensions beyond the economic sphere in a context of contemporary organizations. To update the framework proposed by Wooldridge et al. (2008) to adapt the strategic roles of middle management in the face of multiple demands for results from different stakeholders.
Methodology / approach: To assess the impact of Wooldridge et al. (2008), through a bibliometric analysis, including performance analysis (Web of Science) and scientific mapping (VOSviewer), triangulating with a systematic literature review (RSL), in a mixed methods approach (quantitative and qualitative), to analyze future currents of research in the field.
Originality / relevance: Organizations have become increasingly oriented towards customers and other stakeholders, making middle management responsible for balancing ambiguous demands for results. Wooldridge et al. (2008) consolidated a comprehensive framework involving antecedents, processes, and results from the perspective of middle management in strategy processes, however, in the results dimension, the framework is limited to intermediate results and economic performance and requires updating.
Key findings: Three important clusters were identified in the scientific mapping as new research opportunities. Middle management was challenged to evolve in their roles, and, with light on role theory and the perspective of strategy as process and practice, two new categories of results are proposed in the original framework: operational effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: In carrying out its roles (facilitator, implementer, defender, and synthesizer) middle management can generate results at an operational level that generate satisfaction results for stakeholders, in addition to merely economic results.
Social / management contributions: the study revealed middle management as an important player in generating satisfaction results for stakeholders.
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