Sustainable procurement practices in the Brazilian chemical industry context


  • Roberta Souza Production Engineering Department, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
  • Mayara Sayuri Ide Production Engineering Department, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
  • Gabriela Scur FEI University
  • Willerson Lucas Campos-Silva Production Engineering Department, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo
  • Sangeeta Khorana Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University



Sustainable procurement, Chemical industry, Regulation, Developing countries, Brazil.


Sustainable procurement requires an understanding of the full impact of purchase throughout the entire life cycle of the product or service, irrespective of location. The aim is to investigate the adoption of sustainable procurement in some Brazilian chemical companies. Questionnaires were sent to professionals from the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (ABIQUIM) and from thirty-seven associated companies. The results were used to elaborate empirical illustrations about sustainable procurement practices in the Brazilian chemical industry context. Although the companies did not have a prescriptive supplier selection model that incorporates social-environmental criteria, most companies had more restrictive standards than the legislation and they supported suppliers to improve their social-environmental performance. In addition, that actions related to social and environmental issues occur in policies and documents and are reflected through middle and upper management commitments. It indicates that there are some organizational directions to incorporate social and environmental questions. However, no materialization in actions along the procurement process.


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Biografia do Autor

Roberta Souza, Production Engineering Department, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo

Assistant Professor at the Department of Production Engineering at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She has a degree in Economics (1995), a Master’s in Production Engineering (1999) and a Ph.D. in Production Engineering at the University of São Paulo, Brazil (2005).

Mayara Sayuri Ide, Production Engineering Department, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo

Master in Production Engineering

Gabriela Scur, FEI University

Assistant Professor

Willerson Lucas Campos-Silva, Production Engineering Department, Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo

Ph.D. student in the Department of Production Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Professor at Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS), Brazil. Degree in Management (2012) and a Master’s in Management (2014).

Sangeeta Khorana, Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University



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Como Citar

Souza, R., Ide, M. S., Scur, G., Campos-Silva, W. L., & Khorana, S. (2020). Sustainable procurement practices in the Brazilian chemical industry context. Exacta, 18(3), 583–602.



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