GARCH models in financial stocks: a case study
ABEV3, Conditional Heteroskedasticity, Financial Series, Volatility.Abstract
This paper aims to detail the procedure of application and evaluation of Generalized Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, emphasizing the appropriate choice for the residual’s distribution and the criterion of forecast evaluation. For this purpose, GARCH models with normal and Student’s t distributions are used to model the volatility of the ABEV3 stock returns series. The best model following the normal distribution and the best model following the Student-t distribution are executed for the forecast, where the results are compared to the realized volatility, calculated from intraday returns, and to the absolute returns. The results show that the GARCH(1,1) following a Student-t distribution performs better in both fitting and forecasting. In addition, the models have significantly better forecast results when evaluated by the realized volatility criterion.
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