CAC-Redes: conception and application to the study of the competition between companies of the São Roque vitiviniculture cluster
Competitiveness, Fields and weapons of competition, Social ties, Cluster, Wineries.Abstract
What is the influence of organizational competencies and social ties on the competitiveness of companies operating in a business network? This is the central question of the CAC-Redes (Fields and Weapons of Competition Model applied to business networks), developed by Contador, which integrates into a coherent whole three perspectives: Industry-Based Vision, RBV and Relational View simultaneously considering the company's competitive position, its competencies and its social ties. The design of the CAC-Redes is presented here unpublished. This study adopted the hypothetic-deductive method proposed by Popper to corroborate the statistical hypotheses coming from CAC-Redes. The main contribution are two, which justify its importance: to fill a theoretical gap, since thereare few studies relating organizational competence and social ties with competitive advantage of the companies, and to subsidize the development and future validation of CAC-Redes.Downloads
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