Organizational commitment and satisfaction at work: a study with CRAS employees from Borborema-PB


  • Cíntia Bianca Amorim de Oliveira
  • Erika Fontes da Silva
  • Filipe Fontes da Silva
  • Raissa Dália Paulino



Work satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Public Servers.


This study aims to analyze the influence of job satisfaction on the organizational commitment of Borborema-PB's CRAS civil servants, being characterized as a descriptive research; to the media, a bibliographic research and a case study, with a quantitative approach. The study utilized instruments developed and validated in Brazil to measure the satisfaction of the Work Satisfaction Scale (EST) and organizational commitment, the national versions of the three bases of commitment, conceptualized by Meyer and Allen (1990): Affective Organizational Commitment ECOA), Organizational Compensation Calculation (ECOC) and Normative Organizational Commitment (ECON) all scales of authorship of Siqueira (2008). The results revealed the level of server satisfaction with work and levels of satisfaction for each dimension, as well as the predominant organizational commitment in the institution. In general, the positive correlation between job satisfaction and the three bases of organizational commitment was verified.


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How to Cite

Bianca Amorim de Oliveira, C., Fontes da Silva, E., Fontes da Silva, F., & Dália Paulino, R. (2018). Organizational commitment and satisfaction at work: a study with CRAS employees from Borborema-PB. Exacta, 16(4), 93–114.