Rice husk as a source of energy in companies benefiting from the grain


  • Amanda Moreira Lima Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Fabiane Taís Telöken Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Régis Henrique Hermes Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Jorge André Ribas Moraes Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • André Luiz Emmel Silva Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul




Biomass, Alternative energies, Rice husk


Biomass is the organic matter that can be used for energy production. The rice husk has characteristics that allow its use for this purpose. Thus, this study aimed to verify the fate of the rice husk generated by companies that benefit the grain in the region of the Rio Pardo Valley – RS – Brazil, and its situation regarding environmental certification. It was identified that only two companies use the bark in their processes, and the rest sell or donate the waste to third parties. In addition, only one of them is certified. It was concluded that, despite being a good option for clean energy, waste reuse and cost reduction, not all industries use the bark because of low knowledge and lack of interest in the subject. It has also been shown that only large companies seek certification of their processes as a consequence of the broader and more demanding market.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. M., Telöken, F. T., Hermes, R. H., Moraes, J. A. R., & Silva, A. L. E. (2019). Rice husk as a source of energy in companies benefiting from the grain. Exacta, 17(4), 375–382. https://doi.org/10.5585/exactaep.v17n4.8576

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