Proposal of Project Management Methods and Tools Oriented Maturity Model


  • Jana Kostalova University of Pardubice
  • Libena Tetrevova University of Pardubice



Project Management. Project Management Maturity Models. Project Management Methods and Tools. Type of Projects. Project Life Cycle.


Project management maturity greatly influences the success rate of the project implementation. However, available project management maturity models (PMMMs) are costly, time-consuming and demanding in terms of organization and competence when it comes to application. Moreover, there is no PMMM that evaluates in detail the usage of recommended project management methods and tools. The goal of this article is to design a user-friendly PMMM that would evaluate the project management maturity based on assessment of the usage of project management tools and methods within each stage of project life cycle taking into account the predominant type of projects implemented. The authors used the critical and comparative analysis, based on that the available project management maturity models were assessed and the new PMMM was designed using analogy, deduction, and induction, based on the synthesis of the acquired knowledge combined with the expert experience of the practitioners. It is a unique PMMM, characterized by complexity, user friendliness and financial flexibility. In addition, it is a model that can be used not only in companies of various branches, but also in organizations of other institutional sectors.

Biografia do Autor

Jana Kostalova, University of Pardubice

Faculty of chemical technology

Department of economy and management of chemical and food industries

Research area: Project Management

Libena Tetrevova, University of Pardubice

Faculty of chemical technology

Department of economy and management of chemical and food industries

Research area: Project Management


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Como Citar

Kostalova, J., & Tetrevova, L. (2018). Proposal of Project Management Methods and Tools Oriented Maturity Model. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 9(1), 01–23.



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