Lessons Learned: Adding Value to the Project Management


  • Helio Aisenberg Ferenhof UFSC
  • Fernando Antonio Forcellini UFSC
  • Gregório Varvakis UFSC




Processo de Lições Aprendidas, Gestão do Conhecimento, Gerenciamento de Projeto.


This paper aims to address issues related to the lessons learned in projects, focusing on the analysis of knowledge management. The starting point was the following question: with the knowledge management perspective, the process of generating lessons learned can add value to project management? From this, it started the scientific quest to answer this question through the systematic literature research. This study found 102 articles published in scientific journals and magazines, which present empirical studies in project management, knowledge management and lessons learned, found at Scopus database. This study points out: why, when and how the lessons learned process can help mitigate the risks associated with projects; obtaining a better understanding of the activities involved; improve knowledge management processes; systematically increase the skills of those involved and; identify the root cause of failures and successes, helping to improve the process.

Author Biographies

Helio Aisenberg Ferenhof, UFSC


Fernando Antonio Forcellini, UFSC

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas

Gregório Varvakis, UFSC



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How to Cite

Ferenhof, H. A., Forcellini, F. A., & Varvakis, G. (2013). Lessons Learned: Adding Value to the Project Management. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 4(3), 197–209. https://doi.org/10.5585/gep.v4i3.172