Conceptual Model and Proposals on Capacity in R&D Projects Linked to Strategic Alliances: A Theoretical Essay
Absorptive Capacity. Innovation. R & D Projects. Strategic Alliances.Abstract
Research and Development (R&D) projects based on strategic alliances stimulate external knowledge acquisition, assimilation, transformation and exploitation, potentiating innovations generation. Due to the relevance of this theme, this article presents a conceptual model on Absorptive Capacity (AC) in R&D projects established from strategic alliances. For this, a theoretical essay of exploratory nature is carried out through a bibliographic review. As a result, there is an elaboration of research proposals and a presentation of a conceptual model that suggests a prevalence of a cyclical feedback process, where AC results return as antecedents and facilitators. It is also worth noting that in addition to Potential Absorptive Capacity and Realized Absorptive Capacity, Scalable Absorptive Capacity must be considered. Thus contributing to future empirical studies, based on the established research propositions.References
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