Importance-performance analysis of project management tools in agribusiness
Project Management, Project management tools, Importance-Performance Matrix.Abstract
The aim of the study is to evaluate tools that help companies to manage projects, verifying their importance and performance by the degree of use. The research is a survey case, conducted in an agroindustry, which maintains project management routines. The sample is made up of unit managers and members of their teams, all of whom are connected to project management. To measure the reliability of the responses, we used the Cronbach’s Alpha and Pearson’s Correlation to verify the relationships of the variables. The Slack (1994) Importance-Performance Matrix was used to indicate which tools were in the “urgency zone” quadrant, that is, with greater importance and lower performance. The results indicate that there was significance in the variables acquisition with risks is integration, communication with human resources knowledge with integration. The research shows managers the tools with the smallest and largest gap between the degree of performance, through the use, and the importance, even if not used in their work routine, between the identification groups. The method can be used in companies that manage their projects through tools, identifying where it is necessary to allocate more and less investment in their processes, be it in tools or in personnel.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Marcelo Nardi, Fabio Bulegon, Rodrigo Barichello, Givanildo Silva
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