The implantation of the project selection model in a state court of justice


  • Rodrigo Teixeira Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Projetos – PPGP UNINOVE
  • Roque Rabechini Junior Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Projetos – PPGP UNINOVE



Project portfolio management, Project, Project selection, Public servisse.


The search for efficiency in the public sector occurred with the implementation of new managerial standards, called new public management. This new managerial model gradually introduced the concept of project management. However, more and more resources to execute new projects are scarce, making public institutions seek new solutions to better provide their services. An exploited solution in the private sector is Project portfolio management, which can be a solution for public agencies. In this sense, the objective of this article was to understand how a model of selection of projects available in the literature contributed to the formation of the portfolio of strategic projects in a court of justice. For this, we used the action-research method as a research strategy, as well as a systematic review of the literature on project portfolio in the public sector. The results allowed us to identify that the techniques of selection of projects that use mathematical models are the most studied in the public sector. It was also possible to analyze the implementation of a project selection model through a case.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Teixeira, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Projetos – PPGP UNINOVE

Doutorando em Administração – Programa de Doutorado Profissional em Administração – Gestão de Projetos – UNINOVE


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How to Cite

Teixeira, R., & Rabechini Junior, R. (2019). The implantation of the project selection model in a state court of justice. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 10(3), 81–94.



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