Influence of agile methods application and knowledge management in software quality: a multivariate analysis




Knowledge Management, Agile Methods, Software Quality.


Currently, information technology companies have been intensively seeking productivity and improving competitive positioning, but are aware that they cannot give up the quality of the software generated or the preservation of the knowledge obtained in this process. In this context, agile methodologies fit well and applied knowledge management concepts are expected to play an important role. This paper presents a structural equation modeling of the influence and contribution of agile methods and knowledge management on software quality, based on the perception obtained through the application of a questionnaire answered by Information Technology (IT) professionals. Research has indicated that agile methods and knowledge management in software development influence each other positively. It also showed that both agile methods and knowledge management positively influence software quality, and the influence of knowledge management was greater, suggesting that managers should consider more closely the factors associated with collaboration and sharing. , creativity, content delivered and the dissemination of lessons learned.

Author Biographies

Alan Reis Scatolino, Universidade FUMEC – FACE FUMEC

Mestre, Universidade FUMEC – FACE FUMEC 

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – Brasil.

Ronaldo Darwich Camilo, Universidade FUMEC – FACE FUMEC

Doutor, Universidade FUMEC – FACE FUMEC. Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – Brasil.


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How to Cite

Scatolino, A. R., & Camilo, R. D. (2019). Influence of agile methods application and knowledge management in software quality: a multivariate analysis. Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 10(3), 65–80.


