Project Management, PMO, Institutional Aspects, Performance, PLS-MGA.Abstract
The article verifies the intensity and the differences of the influences of the organizational factors in the Project Management Office (PMO) performance, when comparing the PMO of organizations located in Brazil with the PMO of organizations located abroad. We point out that factors studied are: strategy, information systems, project portfolio management, operations, relationship networks, people, knowledge management, and organizational culture. The method chosen was the survey and to analyze the data was used the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. The results of the multigroup analysis indicate that the PMO of Brazilian organizations focuses on interpersonal skills and human aspects, while that the PMO of organizations located abroad focuses on the objective and prescriptive aspects of project management. The intensity in the PMO performance is similar between the groups, although the perspective observed in the organizational factors is characteristic to distinguish the Brazilian organizations from those located abroad. For this reason, regardless of the geographical reference of the organizations, the PMO is able to favor the realization of benefits when considering the particularities surrounding from project environment in which it is inserted.References
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