Change management in digital transformation projects: case study in a financial organization
Digital transformation, Change management, Organizational culture, Resistance to change, Project management.Abstract
The great technological advances of recent years are revolutionizing society´s habits and behaviors, with new products and services based on digital technologies. In order to adapt to this new reality, traditional organizations need to quickly adapt their processes and products. However, this transformation requires a cultural change that involves new ways of thinking and working, and disruptive changes always face a lot of resistance, in all organizational layers. Given this context, the purpose of this paper was to investigate how the Change Management practices, adopted by a financial institution in its Digital Transformation project, have contributed to reduce resistance and facilitate the adoption of new processes and behaviors. The methodological procedure used encompasses a qualitative research through a single case study. The organization studied was a multinational financial company, which started a Digital Transformation project in 2013, globally, and in 2017 for its branch in Brazil. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, complemented by public documents and by a vast documentation provided by the company. From the results, it became evident how relevant Change Management practices are in Digital Transformation projects. The reported processes and results contribute to the literature on the subject, by bringing an approach on the human side of Digital Transformation and can also assist organizations that are conducting similar processes in adopting effective practices that help in reducing resistance.
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