Project Management in Research and Development
Project Management, Knowledge Management, Interdisciplinary.Abstract
This paper aims to study the management of projects in the area of Research and Development where advances in technology have influenced in various areas of human knowledge. Evaluate the forms of knowledge applied to project management and the interactions of their disciplines presented as a condition for timely understanding and improving the process of project management and explore how the interdisciplinary of project management can provide us alternatives to further improve existing models and their results, to respond adequately the needs of the contemporary management. The research problem as the models employed for project management in R & D generating knowledge havebeen developed through research with quantitative survey method and nonprobability sampling using a questionnaire. The universe consisted by 76 professionals from a Brazilian company that operates in the market of forest products. The binomial test was conducted for dichotomous questions, multidimensional scaling (MDS) and the chi-square test to examine the independence between questions. We conclude that the project management methodology reduces the development time and improves quality. Those who have knowledge about project management methodology and approach of the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) believe that PMBOK does not contribute for the generation and retention of knowledge. The search result also indicates that executives have diverged opinions on the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.References
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