Study of Factors for Project Evaluation in Portfolio Management in a Consumer Goods Company
Gestão de Projetos, Gestão de Portfólio, Automação Industrial, Sistemas de Controle.Abstract
With the increasing development of technology in productive environments, it is clear that the industrial automation processes are becoming strengths of investment discussions before executives and decision makers in the general industries. More and more automation projects are in evidence in the portfolios of the indústria.Este work projects aimed at evaluating the model-making industrial automation projects decision and follow the choice of technology used in the design chosen by a food consumer goods industry and health care. The decision was based on four factors, financial factors, strategic factors, technological factors and human factors. The factors were met, however it was revealed that the financial factor and technology were the most evident where the technology at the lowest cost was chosen, although not with the highest score on the scorecard.DOI: 10.5585 / gep.v3i3.140
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