The Importance of Technology in the Management Model of Programs for Health Promotion, Prevention of Diseases and Supplemental Health.
Gestão e Projetos, Mercadologia, Saúde Suplementar, DCNT, Gestão Risco, Sistemas InformaçãoAbstract
This article presents the implementation of a system of “Data Warehouse " in the strategic management of project risk management and health promotion, in a health carrier, in the city of São Paulo Discloses intervention of Information Technology and management support risk in modeling programs to promote health from a market requirement for health and regulatory agency .We analyzed the project developed from the formation of a Committee for Epidemiological Project, meeting a demand analysis. The paper aims to introduce the solution to this problem faced by Health Management Organization (HMO) .And with that, you want to respond to the research question: " What is the importance of managing technology projects for modeling programs for the promotion of health and prevention risks and diseases in health insurance carrier " ? As research strategies were used bibliographic research and action research. The project allowed the management and reduction of risk in comparison to 2010 and 2012 to the extent that the operator presented criteria for membership increased by 15 % to programs of health promotion and management of NTCDs. Performance indicators recommended by the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) that comprise the Performance Indicator Supplementary Health (IDSS), ranges from zero to one ( 0-1 ) and the carrier remained between 0.785 and 1.
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