Information Systems for Project Management: Multiple Case Studies in Incubated Enterprises in the City of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais, Brazil)


  • Izabella Cristina Flor Bueno Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Camila de Araujo Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Project Management Information Systems, Project management, Incubated companies.


The importance of Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) is related to the quality of the decision-making process. Accordingly, PMIS is also related to the success of the projects that they support. Therefore, a new company, conducting a new product project, needs to have, in addition to the knowledge of Project Management (PM) knowledge, a PMIS to aid in decision-making. Thus, this research performs a multiple case study, presenting a diagnosis of the PMIS used by four incubated companies in the city of Uberlândia. The focus is the PM practices adopted versus the PMIS used in the studied companies. The research problem is summarized by the question: which are the best types of software tools to compose the SIGP of these companies? This research studied the practices related to the actions, techniques and tools of project management in order to understand the scenario and the reality of companies, in order to make suggestions for improvements. The results pointed out that in one hand the importance of the PM is high level for the companies studied. On other hand it is possible to observe a lack of two skills in the companies: 1) apply the knowledge of PM, and 2) develop an appropriate PMIS. Thus, for each company, this research proposed the use of more appropriate tools to their scenario, in order to support the success of their projects.

Author Biography

Izabella Cristina Flor Bueno, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Graduada em Gestão da Informação, pela Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Pós-graduanda em Gerenciamento de Projetos.


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How to Cite

Flor Bueno, I. C., & Araujo, C. de. (2017). Information Systems for Project Management: Multiple Case Studies in Incubated Enterprises in the City of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Revista De Gestão E Projetos, 8(1), 16–28.
  • Abstract 889
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