Model for characterizing the innovation process in design
Innovation, Design, Process, Classification.Abstract
Objective of the study: The value of design needs to be constantly reaffirmed due to its nature with eminently qualitative elements – unlike innovation, which has a quantitative origin. This article aims to explore the relationship between design and innovation and their common points.
Methodology/approach: The study has a qualitative character, with an exploratory and descriptive investigation, based on a surveying of the main terms and concepts about design an innovation, both printed and digital publications.
Originality/Relevance: From the main points of conceptual convergence, the text proposes an approximation between innovation and design based on a model consisting of the following criteria: application context; structure and organization of the company to generate innovation; dimensions that drive innovation; degree of novelty; and results generated.
Main results: With the proposed model for the characterization of the design innovation process, the research concluded that, although historically they appeared at different times, design and innovation are complementary disciplines with contiguous objectives.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: This work not only contributes to the discussion about a closer approximation between the two areas, indicating mutual benefits, but it also demonstrates that the proposed model can favor the understanding of the value of design.
Social/management contributions: The model described in this article can help innovation agents, companies and all stakeholders who aimed to restructure existing products or design new products based on innovation criteria.
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