Editorial Policies

Editorial policy

The decisions and actions of the Editorial Board are guided by the ethical principles that support scientific journals, and the editors must keep up with the most recent scientific editorial advances at the international level. In operational terms, based on the steps followed by the Open Journal Systems (OJS), submitted articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board with regard to their scientific merit and their compliance with the requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the other editorial principles. The submitted texts are then forwarded to at least two reviewers in a blind review system. Based on the evaluations of these reviewers, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to publish the articles and may also suggest changes to be made to make the text acceptable. All the submitted texts should be accompanied by a letter of authorization for publication (whether in electronic or print form). This letter should also state that the text is unpublished and has been submitted exclusively to the journal for consideration. None of the editorial bodies, teaching and research organizations or individuals involved in the journal’s boards, committees or publishing and management process are responsible for the content of the articles, whether in the form of ideals, opinions or concepts. The authors of the respective texts are solely responsible for their content.

Boards and Committees

  • Editorial Board: The Editorial Board comprises academic representatives for different learning and research institutions. Its members work preferentially, but not exclusively, in the field of innovation research. The work of the Editorial Board is not necessarily done collectively. There is no provision for regular meetings to address issues. The members of the Editorial Board are not formally involved with the entity legally responsible for the publication of the journal. Each member participates in the work of the journal in a more individual manner, with guidance from the Scientific Committee or the Editor. Indeed, each member acts as an adviser to the Scientific Committee and the Editor, interpreting and suggesting improvements in the Editorial Policy, publicizing the magazine, positioning themselves as arbiters regarding strategic issues of the IJI’s involvement in the academic and professional environment. The Editorial Board does not supervise or interfere in the editorial process and does not take part in the article arbitration process. It is involved in important matters such as the consistency of editorial policy and publications and their quality, in addition to ethical issues with regard to editorial management. Each member also acts as an “ombudsman” of the scientific community and is active in the field, ensuring the academic credibility and the posture expected from a scientific journal.
  • Scientific Committee: This is an interinstitutional collegiate, composed of representatives of the research groups that most directly support the journal’s development. It works in a collegial manner, with collective and democratic decisions. The main mission of the group is to strive to ensure the credibility of the editorial procedures and assume scientific responsibility for the journal. The Scientific Committee appoints the Scientific Editor who becomes its natural member. In addition, its duties are of a scientific nature in order to ensure that the Journal’s mission is fulfilled. This committee must be permanently active in complying with the general definitions of the journal’s editorial policy and also with the expected editorial procedures, particularly with regard to ensuring the consistency and quality of publications. Special editions and other scientific contributions are discussed and defined by the committee. One of its tasks is to discuss and develop its own regulations for various subjects, such as: rules and formatting of articles; criteria for evaluation and acceptance of texts for publication; acceptance of new research groups to participate in the committee; budget approval; accreditation of reviewers; and definition of circulation policy and subscriptions. The Scientific Committee is not involved in the editorial operations of the IJI, which is the responsibility of the Editor and his operational team.
  • Scientific Editor: The scientific editor is responsible for setting the Editorial Policy, editorial management and supervision of the Editorial Secretariat, which operates the entire workflow, with the aid of the Open Journal System (OJS). The Editor works specifically with the prior selection of articles forwarded to the journal and the distribution of articles to the reviewers who will evaluate them. If the articles meet the journal’s requirements for quality, they will be published. Furthermore, the editor should play an active role in the work of the Scientific Committee and the articulation of actions of the Editorial Board. A flowchart of the activities involved in the scientific publication process is available on the OJS platform, in the menu under de menu “About/About the e-journal publishing system”.

Article search engine: users of the IJI can use the search engine for articles available on the SEER (Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas – Electronic Journal Publishing System) platform, which allows searches through diverse research arguments.

Availability of online indexers: The IJI is an open access journal that allows all of its content to be consulted or downloaded through the databases in which it is indexed and also through direct access to its website.

Indication of statistical control of access to the site/articles: The platform that hosts the IJI has control over access to the site and articles. Furthermore, it is synchronized with the download control of the SPELL – ANPAD website.

ORCID registration: As a form of standardization of authorship, the Committee of the RDBCI made the inclusion of the ORCID iD compulsory when submitting articles. After the first analysis, before they are forwarded for evaluation, authors of manuscripts that are not registered in the ORCID system will be asked to include this iD, and, when registering, should provide info on their academic qualification and affiliation (job, if they have one). The ORCID iD can be obtained free of charge at: https://orcid.org/register. You must accept the standards for the presentation of the ORCID iD, include the complete URL, including the expression “http://”, in your registration, followed by your e-mail (e.g.,: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097). You can see a tutorial for registration here. Registering with ORCID is compulsory for all authors.

Institution: The journal is maintained by Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove/SP).