Digital Transformation as a driver of Innovation Management in established companies




digital transformation, innovation management, established companies


Objective: In the context of the digital transformation theme, the present study aimed to explore the dynamics between the digital transformation sector and innovation within an established organization.

Methodology: To achieve the proposed objective, a qualitative approach was used, through an in-depth case study. As a collection method, interviews were used through a semi-structured questionnaire with 6 members of the organization and, subsequently, all material was transcribed and analyzed seeking to identify the dynamics between both areas.

Relevance and originality: The paper focuses on a subject that is still little explored and provides an in-depth view of the phenomenon of digital transformation within organizations.

Main results: It was possible to verify that the Digital Transformation area has tools and methodologies that can help in the propagation of Innovation management concepts and in the application of these concepts to guarantee a more fluid and efficient interaction between the other areas of the company and the Innovation area.

Theoretical contributions: As a theoretical contribution, we highlight the advancement of the discussion of digital transformation in companies and the model that illustrates how the areas and mechanisms of the organization can interact for greater synergy between digital transformation and innovation.

Managerial implications: Based on the model developed, managers can better understand the interactions between the areas of innovation management, digital transformation and business units.


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Author Biographies

Rubia Polegato Borges, Universidade de São Paulo

Over 10 years of experience in corporate processes, management, continuous improvement, dissemination of knowledge and indicators implementation in companies such as Coca Cola, Heineken, Alelo and Sicredi. Leadership of teams with technical and behavioral training in different areas and hierarchical levels. Led Digital Transformation projects in different business units in addition to organizational restructuring projects. MBA - Digital Business - ESALQ. Jundiaí, São Paulo - Brazil

Mateus Frechiani Bitte, Universidade de São Paulo

Bachelor's degree (2016) and master's degree (2019) carried out in the Administration department of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2016). Currently studying for a PhD in Business Management at the Faculty of Economics, Administration, Accounting and Actuarial Science - FEA - USP. He works on research in the area of Operations Management, specifically in the relationship between new technologies and their impacts on organizations' operations.

Oscar do Amaral Adorno, Universidade de São Paulo

Holds a degree in Production Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Master's degree in Administration from FEA-USP. PhD student in Business Management from FEA-USP. Senior Manager at KPMG Consulting in the Supply Chain area, working on projects in the retail, financial, steel, paper/cellulose, public sector and services segments. Has knowledge mainly in mapping and redesigning processes, diagnosing logistics operations, logistics-tax network, systems implementation, quantitative analysis and identification of improvement opportunities (Value Stream Mapping). Other relevant experiences include cost reduction projects, maturity analysis, preparation of an implementation plan. Interest in academic research on supply chain strategies, innovation, artificial intelligence, operations and production. Member of the Innovation Committee of the International Association of Artificial Intelligence (I2AI) and South American Academic Committee - Industrial Engineering & Operations Management (IEOM). São Paulo, SP - Brazil

Paulo Tromboni de Souza Nascimento, Universidade de São Paulo

Business Management Senior Professor at USP. Program and Project Coordinator at FIA. Electronic Engineer (ITA, 1979), Master (INPE, 1984), PhD and Associate Professor (USP, 1995 and 2010). Researches the strategic and sustainable management of technology, innovation and operations. He has published more than 170 scientific works. Was Deputy Secretary of Transport of the State of São Paulo (2003-2006), where he chaired the Secretariat's Environmental Committee and coordinated the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Rodoanel Mario Covas. Was part of CONSEMA of State of São Paulo (2003-2004). At INPE (1980-1992), he managed industrial contracts, especially in the Brazilian Complete Space Mission and the "China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite". He was a Trustee of the FIA, ANPAD Administrative Director , FNE Director, SEESP President and CREA-SP Advisor and FNE. São Paulo, SP - Brazil 


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How to Cite

Borges, R. P., Bitte, M. F., Adorno, O. do A., & Nascimento, P. T. de S. (2024). Digital Transformation as a driver of Innovation Management in established companies. International Journal of Innovation, 12(2), e25910.



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