Model of acceptance and use of social customer relationship management in micro and small enterprises
social CRM, acceptance and use of technology, structural equation model, micro and small companies, social mediaAbstract
Objective of the study: The article aims to propose and test a Social Customer Relationship Management Acceptance and Usage Model that considers antecedent factors in micro and small enterprises. Methodology/approach: A survey analyzed through structural equation modeling was conducted with managers of micro and small Brazilian companies.
Originality/Relevance: The use of social networks as a source of the process of monitoring, analysis and content generation for business strategy is recent and very relevant for the sustainability of micro and small businesses.
Main results: Although some hypotheses were not validated, the study fills important gaps in empirical research on micro and small businesses. Replicating this study in different cultural contexts could offer further insights.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The positive results indicate that, despite some hypotheses being rejected, the study confirms the relevance of "Customer Information Processing Capacity" and its influence on the "Use of Social CRM," highlighting the importance of social interactions and engagement capacity for value co-creation in micro and small businesses.
Socia /management contributions: Managers can leverage the relationship between the “Ability to Engage the Customer Via Social Media” and “Social Influence” to enhance their social media strategies and improve customer engagement.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2025 Cristiana De Muylder, Jefferson Lopes La Falce, João Ricardo Lage Guerra, Júlio A. Viana, Olaf Reinhold

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