A model to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence (BI) among saudi SMEs





Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Intelligence (BI), Model, Saudi Arabia, Adoption, Organizational performance.


Objective of the study: This paper touched upon the major issues that are related to intention towards the use of ERPBI in the Saudi private sector – Saudi Arabia is an example of a developing country

Methodology / approach:  This paper used a qualitative approach and the sample of the study comprised of 30 experts from the Saudi private sector, who were involved in ERPBI.

Originality / Relevance: According to prior studies in literature, there is no specific model that supports and explains ERPBI, and as such, this increases the chances of ineffective adoption and use of ERPBI. This study found that ERPBI adoption models are lacking, and those that exist are inapplicable as they exclude several significant factors for successful adoption.

Main results: The findings indicated that for the promotion of the ERPBI model, the entire significant factors have to be considered and incorporated. Those factors are: system quality, service quality, and information quality factors, change management, effective communication, training factors, clear vision and planning, competitive pressure, and government role.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: This study’s results open door for future research based on the gap in theories applied and the factors investigated in the context of developing nations. 

Social / management contributions: Shedding light on the factors and their relationship with ERPBI use success would assist top management in minimizing losses through system use for enhanced cash flow, and improved performance of employees and that can eventually bring about the overall performance of the organization.


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How to Cite

Aldossari, S., & Mokhtar, U. A. (2020). A model to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence (BI) among saudi SMEs. International Journal of Innovation, 8(2), 305–347. https://doi.org/10.5585/iji.v8i2.17395



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