Service innovation tools: a literature review




New services, Service creation, Service development, Service innovation process, Service innovation management, Models, Frameworks, Instruments, Practices, Methods, Systems.


Objective of the study: This research aims to systematically review the frameworks (i.e. tools) proposed and applied by the literature on service innovation.

Methodology / approach: The methodology is based on a systematic literature review, which included two main steps. The former revisited the work of Carlborg, Kindstrom, and Kowalkowski (2014), in which 28 articles were fully analyzed, whereas the latter comprised a complete novel bibliography review employing the Science Direct database, in which 109 articles were fully analyzed.

Originality / Relevance: Overall, 87 Service Innovation Tools (SIT) were identified, analyzed, and classified concerning service innovation stages and sector contexts. Besides, the topics of New Service Development (NSD), Service Engineering (SE), and Service Design (SD) were discussed, especially regarding the main stages of the service innovation process.

Main results: Results show that 87 SIT were applied in several sectors such as healthcare, education, tourism, among others.

Theoretical / methodological contributions: This paper contributes to the literature on both services and innovation by examining a common-ground and under-researched topic: service innovation tools.

Social / management contributions: Practitioners may benefit from an overall panorama of service innovation tools available for idea generation, analysis & requirements definition, and conceptual design.


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Author Biographies

Marcia Beatriz Cavalcante, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Federal University of Technology - Parana)

Marcia Beatriz Cavalcante holds a Ph.D. in Technology from the Federal University of Technology – Parana. She also holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from the McGill University in Canada, and a bachelor in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana. She authored several journal publications, including the International Journal of Business Innovation and Research.

Antonio Hidalgo, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)

Antonio Hidalgo is a Professor of Business Organization at the ETS Industrial Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and Director of the Research Group on Innovation, Industrial Property, and Technology Policy (INNOPRO). Since 1998 he is the coordinator of the official Master's and Interuniversity Doctorate programs in Economics and Innovation Management, which are taught jointly with the Autonomous and Complutense Universities of Madrid.

Hélio Gomes de Carvalho, Centro Internacional de Tecnologia de Software - CITS. Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Federal University of Technology - Parana)

Hélio Gomes de Carvalho was a Full Professor in the department of Electronic Engineering at Federal University of Technology – Parana. He holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina, besides a master’s degree in Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering from the Federal University of Technology - Parana. He is the author of approximately 50 journal publications, including: Journal of International Development; International Journal of Innovation Science, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, among others.

Gustavo Dambiski Gomes de Carvalho, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (Federal University of Technology - Parana)

Gustavo Dambiski Gomes de Carvalho is a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial Engineering at the Federal University of Technology – Parana. He worked as a Substitute Professor (Temporary Lecturer) in the department of Electrotechnical Engineering at the same institution from 2016 to 2017. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Pontifical Catholic University of Parana and a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering from Federal University of Technology – Parana. He authored more than 10 journal publications, including: Industrial Marketing Management; International Journal of Innovation Science; International Journal of Business Innovation and Research; among others. His research interests include innovation management, innovation, networks, among others.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante, M. B., Hidalgo, A., Carvalho, H. G. de, & Carvalho, G. D. G. de. (2020). Service innovation tools: a literature review. International Journal of Innovation, 8(2), 276–304.




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