Process mining in a public agency: study of Londrina municipality division of allotments (PR)




Process mining, Paraná, Londrina, Public management, Allotments


Process mining is a technique that contributes to evaluation of a large amount of data and offers potential analytical gains, which made it adhere to work described and developed in Division of Allotments of the Municipality of Londrina (PR). Difficulties in handle demands, expressed, for example, in long periods in their processes, motivated the application of technique. This aimed to characterize them and identify possibilities of gains in efficiency and effectiveness. Process mining was not exclusive form of study, as census indicators and a qualitative method were used for this, with case-by-case assessment and development of a flowchart based on legal guidelines. The work was characterized, therefore, as mixed, descriptive and exploratory case study, with a longitudinal cut, based on primary and secondary data and prescriptive. It was observed that processes became highly complex, time consuming and not very standardized, motivating suggestion of improvements regarding their execution and waiting time, which may impact cost, quality and flexibility they cover. In addition to these practical contributions, the study suggested potential gains from process mining even in scenarios with unsatisfactory data on the methodology.




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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Libanez Melan, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Mestre, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Hewerton Fernandes da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Mestre, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR

Saulo Fabiano Amâncio-Vieira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutor, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Evandro Baccarin, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutor, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL


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How to Cite

Melan, R. L., Silva, H. F. da, Amâncio-Vieira, S. F., & Baccarin, E. (2020). Process mining in a public agency: study of Londrina municipality division of allotments (PR). Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 8(2), 221–234.



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