The role of free ride apps in local employability: research with drivers working in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo
Hitchhiking apps, App drivers. Local economy.Abstract
This article was written based on the authors' interest in Hitchhiking apps as potential unemployment reducers in municipal levels. It was then decided to conduct a field research in the municipality of Botucatu, São Paulo's inland city, in search of relevant information for understanding how the apps influence the municipal economic dynamics, considering the diversity of profiles and objectives of drivers who adhere to the apps. To obtain data from drivers related to the interests of the research, forms were distributed through Google, where 58 drivers, between the ages of 22 and 64, answered two question sessions, first four about their genders, age groups, time of residence in Botucatu (to those who reside in the city) and the applications they work for and then five questions that they relate to the work itself, with the second session having a greater focus on analysis. Subsequently, the answers were analyzed in their entirety, and with that it was possible to explain some local trends of adhesion to the apps such as employability, interests in terms of work modalities, their goals and security. At the end of the questionnaire analyzes, the authors propose alternatives in terms of social sustainability for managing their apps by their respective companies, as well as the need for participation by other administrative sectors.
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