Strategic assessment for opening a sales channel in a wooden arts factory
Competitiveness, Organizational management, Strategic planning, Management of Sales channels.Abstract
Strategic planning can be conceptualized as a method to reduce risks by predicting the future through a systematic and continuous process. In this sense, this technical-scientific report aimed to analyze the opening of a new sales channel facing the strategic planning and competitive context of a company established in the city of Cascavel, Paraná. The method was based on a qualitative case study with an explanatory-descriptive nature, with interviews with the manager. The implementation of a new sales channel derived from the company's strategic planning was followed and assisted. The development was based on the use of such as scenario analysis, positioning analysis, SWOT analysis and channel analysis. As a result, the company is aware of its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities present in the market that can be taken advantage of and the threats that should be treated with caution. Even though it is not formalized and registered in a single written document, the strategic planning process was conducted and is accessible to the manager for the definition of the company's courses of action.
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