The influence of organizational values in the process of technology transfer: a brazilian study




Organizational values, Technology transfer, Brazilian companies.


The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of organizational values in the process of technology transfer in Brazilian enterprises. The present study is theoretical and seeks to better understand the organizational values and sources of technology transfer in Brazilian organizations. The methodology of this exploratory research consists of a quantitative approach that utilizes two survey instruments developed by Pinto (2006). Findings are based on research including four companies that won the Brazil Innovation Award in 2017 and belong to different industries. Firstly, the results show the absence of significant variations in the data provided by the small sample and towards cohesion in organizational values and preferences for the sources of technology transfer. Secondly, this research emphasizes the influence of cultural values on corporate practices and the decision-making process within these organizations.



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How to Cite

Martins Moreira, S., Picinin, C. T., Vidart Klafke, R., Arnold, M., & Pilatti, L. A. (2022). The influence of organizational values in the process of technology transfer: a brazilian study. Revista Inovação, Projetos E Tecnologias, 10(2), 164–182.



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