Analysis of the impact of involvement and perceived prestige on the satisfaction and loyalty of São paulo Futebol Clube fans
Behavioural intent, Football, Loyalty, Sports Marketing, SatisfactionAbstract
Purpose: The present study aims to analyze the motivations that São Paulo Futebol Clube supporters have to continue consuming and relating to the club, despite negative sporting results.
Methodology/approach: Based on similar studies in the scientific literature, satisfaction and loyalty were the central constructs that guided this study. Data were collected through an online questionnaire, adding to a total of 433 valid responses. To analyze the results, the Partial Least Squares Method (PLS) was used to develop the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The model allowed to measure the impacts of prestige and involvement with the club on the intention and when they are mediated by loyalty and satisfaction.
Originality/Relevance: Academic publications on sports marketing, specifically involving football, are recent and disproportionate to the popularity of the sport in Brazil. The behavior of Brazilian fans is a topic that has not been much explored. The way the research was conducted and analyzed is innovative. The relationships between the analyzed variables have not yet been studied.
Main Results: The research brought empirical evidence of the importance of prestige perceived by the fan, for the maintenance of their loyalty to the club. It also showed that the involvement that the fan has with the club influences, directly and positively, the intention to consume the club brand extensions. Involvement and loyalty explain the intention to continue “consuming” the experiences promoted by the club, even if satisfaction with performance in matches and championships is low.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The research expanded the concept of loyalty in the context of sports marketing, especially in relation to football clubs, which differs from the traditional concept in marketing. It can be seen that loyalty, in football, is not necessarily the result of satisfaction. There are other ingredients that can guarantee loyalty in periods of dissatisfaction with the club's performance (perceived prestige and involvement).
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