The influence of anxiety on compulsive overeating and obesity in university students
Anxiety, Compulsive eating, Obesity, StudentsAbstract
High levels of anxiety are considered a phenomenon that, unfortunately, is a part of many people’s lives. These elevated levels of anxiety can cause disorders such as compulsive overeating and obesity. The objective of this study is to determine whether anxiety has an influence on compulsive overeating and obesity among students at the Universidade Federal do Pampa (Dom Pedrito Campus), RS, Brazil. Using a dataset collected in a survey of 373 students from UNIPAMPA, a linear regression approach was used to study the impact of latent variables associated with compulsive overeating and obesity. The results indicate that anxiety may have an influence on compulsive eating. However, it was observed that anxiety does not provoke obesity. The results should that compulsive overeating does influence obesity. Additionally, it is assumed that compulsive overeating may be a mediating variable of the relationship between anxiety and obesity.
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