Analysis of Barriers that Affect the Transformation of Family Farmer Into a Rural Entrepreneur in Brazilian Context


  • Patricia Amelia Tomei Vinculada ao IAG PUC-Rio Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 CEP: 22453-900 – Gávea, RJ.
  • Daniela Arantes Alves Lima BNDES



Rural Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Behavior, Innovation, Family Agriculture.


Despite importance of family agriculture, until the mid 90's, the Brazilian farmers had little or no access to credit and the existing public policies often do not meet the needs of this population. In 1996, the Brazilian government created the PRONAF - Program of Familiar Agriculture, first rural credit program designed exclusively for family farmers (FF) that despite numerous qualities, is facing challenges related to socio-cultural and psychosocial characteristics of farmers who do not always can incorporate the behaviors needed to be rural entrepreneurs (RE) in an industry that increasingly demand for innovation and development. This is the main objective of this study: to analyze the barriers faced by family farmers (FF) that affect its transformation into a rural entrepreneur (RR). To study these two groups, we interviewed and applied a structured questionnaire to a convenience sample, non-probabilistic, selected by the criterion of typicality of fourteen farmers who started their business in Southern Brazil. For these The analysis showed that the barriers to rural entrepreneurship were associated with lack of leadership and ability to take risks, and emphasized the importance of the family, social networks and formal education in the development of FF. We conclude that the FF can’t be regarded as typical Schumpeterian entrepreneurs, but some points have become critical to the implementation of public policies: a contingency approach; prioritize the targeting of resources to more entrepreneurial profiles; promote the objective and subjective evaluations of the results of resource allocation; strengthen training programs, management education and business incubators.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Amelia Tomei, Vinculada ao IAG PUC-Rio Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 CEP: 22453-900 – Gávea, RJ.

Possui graduação em Administração Pública pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ (1978), mestrado em Administração de Empresas pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (1981), doutorado em doutorado sandwich - New School for Social Research (1986) e doutorado em Administração pela Universidade de São Paulo (1988). É professora associada da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro/IAG desde 1979. Foi pesquisadora e professora visitante no exterior da Université Jean Moulin de Lyon (1995),da Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) de Montreal (1993), École Superieure des Affaires da Université de Sciences Sociales de Grenoble (1996,1992,1990); da Rissho University de Tóquio (1988), da Florida International University (1994) e da Graduate School of Urban Professions, Department of Management and Human Resources da New School for Social Research (1989). Tem experiência na área de Administração, com ênfase em Administração de Empresas, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: cultura organizacional, mudança organizacional, recursos humanos, desempenho organizacional. Publicou vários artigos no Brasil e no exterior e os seguintes livros: Cultura Organizacional e Privatização: A Dimensão Humana, com Marcelo L. Braunstein (Makron Books,1993), Inveja nas Organizações , (Makron Books, 1994) , Invidia en las Empresas (McGraw Hill México, 1994), Gestão Participativa (CDRom - CELTEC,1995), Sedução dos Modismos com Adriana Lerner ( Makron Books, 1998;Cultura e Mudança Organizacional; (organização, Editora PUC-Rio,2008);Cultura Empreendedora;com Giuseppe Russo e Carla Bottino (Office Book,2008)

Daniela Arantes Alves Lima, BNDES

Possui mestrado em Administração pela PUC-Rio (2010). Graduou-se em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (1998). Possui pós-graduação em Análise de Sistemas e IAG Management (Gestão Empresarial), ambos na PUC-Rio. Desenvolveu atividade profissional na IMI Cornelius Brasil Ltda. e na Xerox do Brasil Ltda. Atualmente atua como gerente no BNDES.



How to Cite

Tomei, P. A., & Lima, D. A. A. (2014). Analysis of Barriers that Affect the Transformation of Family Farmer Into a Rural Entrepreneur in Brazilian Context. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 13(3), 107–122.
  • Abstract 430
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 433