Integration between Stakeholders Theory and Resource-Based Vision: the administration literature path
Systematic review, Resource Based View, Stakeholder Theory.Abstract
Objective of the study: This paper analyzes how the literature has addressed the integration between Stakeholder Theory and the Resource Based View studies.
Methodology / approach: A integrative review was carried out in the Scopus and ISI Web of Science databases. The articles were evaluated for their methodological quality and synthesis effort through the two theories combination.
Originality / relevance: The paper showed that there is a stakeholders internalization level of the organizational resources literature, that comes from the most external to the most internal level.
Main results: The analysis showed that there are three groups that assign different roles to stakeholders: (a) advisors for the development of resources / capacity; (b) precursors for obtaining new resources / capabilities; and (c) as a strategic resource for the organization.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: Advances in new conceptions about the role of stakeholders in organizations, from exogenous vision - putting pressure on the organization - to endogenous ones, which consider their demands as a resource/capacity. Regardless of how they are viewed, their relationship in organizational processes has contributed substantially to the field of strategic management.
Social / management contributions: Provides new insights for managers interested in observing stakeholders as a source of competitive advantage, being able to subsidize their portfolios of relationship optimization with stakeholders, according to each groups identified.
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