Key features of governance in brazilian science and technology parks


  • Milton Correia Sampaio Filho Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS
  • Jair Nascimento-Santos Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB



Regional Economic Development, Science and Technology Parks, Governance, Effectiveness.


The situation of Brazilian Science and Technology Parks (STPs) operation led to the field research. Even with the public policy of stimulus and support of associations, nothing has been mapped on the dissemination of results (economic growth and regional development). This scenario instigates the question: What are the governance characteristics of Brazilian Science and Technology Parks? A empirical field research was developed, taking into consideration the possibility of replication trought the registration of the choice criteria in the multiple cases and trought research detalhes and data colection. Eight STPs (TECNOPUC - Porto Alegre, Valetec - Novo Hamburgo, Tecnosinos - Sao Leopoldo, Unicamp, CIATEC and TECHNOPARK - Campinas, Rio Park - Rio de Janeiro and SergipeTec) participated in research. The results and considerations about the research question allows to infer the little effectiveness of governance (without qualitative or quantitative performance indicators) is possibly caused by tensions characterized by elements such as heterogeneity in characteristics of organizations that are part of STPs, lack of consensus on common goals, pressure forces and influences affecting trusts, nonconformity standards and personal and organizational preferences. Leadership relations championed by the government and / or companies can negatively influence the STP's performance as a whole.


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Author Biographies

Milton Correia Sampaio Filho, Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS

PhD in Regional and Urban Development from the University Salvador - UNIFACS (2015), Master in Strategic Information from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA (2002), Specialist in Business Administration from Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS (1999) and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on equipment industrial Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1984). Professor of Jorge Amado University Center - Unijorge and the School Ruy Barbosa. It operates mainly in the areas:Business Intelligence, Management and Project Consulting, Management Skills, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Governance, Scientific Technological Parks.

Jair Nascimento-Santos, Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

PhD in Management from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal (2003). Coordinator of the Division Personnel Management and Labor Relations of Anpad (2013-2016). Magazine editor Management & Planning (Qualis B2) since 2003. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Division Personnel Management and Labor Relations of Anpad (2009-2012). Coordinator of Organizational Studies and Management Technologies (NEOTEG) since 2003. Coordinator of the Administration course at the University Salvador (2001-2003). Assistant MasterCoordination Administration at the University Salvador (2003-2005). Consultant Ad Hoc Advisory Councils and member of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB) since 2004.




How to Cite

Sampaio Filho, M. C., & Nascimento-Santos, J. (2017). Key features of governance in brazilian science and technology parks. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 16(3), 55–68.