Service level agreement directed to suppliers of materials and services of the petrochemical sector: a criteria analysis




Service level agreement, Structural equation modelling, Supply Chain Management, Competitive criteria.


Objective: This research aims at suggesting a conceptual model for the formulation of service level agreement, directed at suppliers of materials and services of the petrochemical sector.
Methodology: This is a descriptive research whose analysis method was done through structural equation modelling, and the data came from a survey with 104 collaborators in the supply chain of the petrochemical sector in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Originality: Upon considering the reality of the Southern Petrochemical Centre, it is possible to understand this research’s findings to the elaboration of service levels according to competitive criteria that become fundamental for the management process and competitiveness strategy in the search for suppliers by selecting the criteria that must be analysed upon establishing a new partner.
Main results: All constructs suggested in this research had a 73% impact on the supply chain management construct with a service level agreement. The delivery, quality and service level construct presented the highest load obtained, followed by the quality and flexibility construct and finally the cost construct.
Theoretical contributions: The supply chains play an important role in the accomplishment of the company’s objectives. Its mission is to notice the competitive needs of products and services by becoming responsible for the delivery at the right time, costs, quality and other elements in the operations’ strategy. According to the suggested model, all structures that encompass the competitive criteria positively impacted the supply chain management and the service level agreement, expanding the academic debate in the development of competitive advantage.


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Author Biographies

Karla Moreira Finn, Feevale University – FEEVALE

Especialista, Feevale University – FEEVALE

Fabiano de Lima Nunes, Feevale University – FEEVALE

Mestre, Feevale University – FEEVALE

Cristine Hermann Nodari, Feevale University – FEEVALE.

Doutora, Feevale University – FEEVALE.

Jefferson Dobner Sordi, Feevale University – FEEVALE

Doutor, Feevale University – FEEVALE


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How to Cite

Finn, K. M., Nunes, F. de L., Nodari, C. H., & Sordi, J. D. (2020). Service level agreement directed to suppliers of materials and services of the petrochemical sector: a criteria analysis. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 19(4), 151–171.



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