Motivations for business networking and the effectuation- causation approach to entrepreneurship
Networks, Entrepreneurship, Causation, Effectuation.Abstract
Research aim: To describe possible distinct effects between the causation and effectuation approach regarding the perception of factors that motivate business networking.
Method/Approach: We present a quantitative research carried out through convenience sampling, a type of non-probabilistic sampling. We conducted a factor analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Originality/Relevance: There are only a few studies that associate the engagement of entrepreneurs in networks with entrepreneurial actions guided by the two different logics: causation, which emphasizes the selection of means to create the desired effect; and effectuation, which emphasizes possible effects to be created through the means available.
Main findings: The findings show that there are significant differences between causal and effectual approaches to entrepreneurship and factors that motivate the participation in networks. The causal and effectual logic are not mutually exclusive; however, the intensity in each one entailed differences in the factors that motivate entrepreneurs to engage in networks. The research shows that causal and effectual entrepreneurs were motivated to participate in networks focusing mainly on benefits for the company.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: This research contributes not only to network studies, but also to entrepreneurship, considering that it highlights possible differences among the factors that motivate the insertion in networks by causal and effectual entrepreneurs. In addition, our study also explored the effect of different control variables on the perception of benefits from networking; these variables, however, had no influence on the perception of such benefits.
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