Strategy for the development of the piped gas market in São Paulo: the role of the state from the perspective of economic freedom
Value creation, Competitiveness, Innovation.Abstract
Objective: The text reports an action by the Regulatory Agency for Public Services of the State of São Paulo (ARSESP) with the objective of promoting the development of the natural gas market channeled in its area of coverage and thus providing an impact on the competitiveness of distribution concessionaires.
Methodological approach: Interventionist study of applied character, focusing on improvements and innovation to expand action d the efficiency and effectiveness of business, according to typical methodological procedures for projects dedicated to business problems solutions and taking advantage of opportunities.
Originality and relevance: The project innovates in stimulating the government to free competition in the market, promoting the expansion of the market with benefit to distributors and also to consumers, who now have access to a product not available in their region, with jobs and income generation.
Main Results: The solution realizes the expansion of the gas pipeline network and the consequent development of the piped gas market in the State of São Paulo, with competitive benefits provided to distributors, value creation for the Granting Authority through the geographic expansion of coverage of the natural gas distribution pipeline network and increase in the asset base, in addition to promoting development economic and social, for the generation of jobs and income and increase in the tax collection.
Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: We emphasize the learning of the agents involved, as a result of applying the method to solve problems and take advantage of market opportunities with a scientific basis and focus on business development, providing Innovative solutions. The description of the process enables replication in situations of a similar nature, experienced in other regulated sectors and involving other public services provided to society.
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