Action of middle manager in interlocutions between strategizing and sustainability: a theoretical essay
Middle Manager, Strategizing, Sustainability, Strategy as Social Practice, Theoretical EssayAbstract
Purpose of the study: to understand, from a theoretical essay, how the middle manager performs in the interlocutions between strategizing and sustainability.
Methodology/approach: Theoretical essay based on the approach of a narrative literature review.
Originality/relevance: It is based on the lack of studies addressing the role of middle managers in the interconnections between strategizing and sustainability, making this study relevant to the discussion and expansion of research scope in the field of strategy.
Key findings: Arguments regarding the strategic relevance of sustainability in organizations; the various ways in which middle managers act in the interconnections between strategic actions and sustainability; the construction of meaning to legitimize sustainability actions; and a theoretical representation of the role of middle managers in the interconnections between strategizing and sustainability.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: this study revealed that, in the execution of their roles (facilitator, implementer, advocate and synthesizer) and when a position oriented towards sustainability strategies is adopted, middle managers receive a new assignment, that of promoting sustainability strategies within the organization.
Social/management contributions: this study corroborates the need to promote sustainability actions in a practical way in organizations to find a state of synergy between the organization and environment, with the middle manager being an important agent in the process of creating meaning for strategies focused on sustainability.
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