Bibliometric analysis of publications on cyber risks in the services sector




Bibliometric Analysis. Cyber Risks. Services Sector.


Objective: To explore the progress of scientific production on cyber risks that permeate the service sector, identifying relevant researchers and institutions on this theme, measuring the impact, and identifying trends, contributions, and knowledge gaps. In addition, the study seeks to use bibliometric findings to bring academic and managerial contributions to the subject.

Methodology: Bibliometric study, using the method of organization and systematization of information (Chueke & Amatucci, 2015; Guedes & Borschiver, 2015), whose structure followed the premises of the laws of Bradford, Lotka, and Zipf, using the scientific databases of the WoS - Web of Science. The bibliometric study enabled the performance of exploratory and descriptive research without the temporal cut, resulting in the identification of 115 publications (December 1995 to February 2023), which allowed measuring and presenting the characteristics and profile of the publications analyzed.

Originality: The study revealed a potential for exploring the theme of Cyber Risks in the Services sector, considering the scarcity of scientific production. It also enabled the identification of emerging trends and clusters in service sector activities and the creation of a conceptual model based on the findings of the analyzed publications.

Main results: The analyses revealed which sectors of the service economy are most frequently approached in publications related to the theme of cyber risks. These analyses were organized into ten areas, with the following order of relevance (frequency) of publication: Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business, Finance and Management, Telecommunications, Computer Science Theory Methods, and Computer Science Artificial Intelligence. The bibliometric findings enabled the creation of the conceptual model of Cyber Risks in Services, which proposes a cyclical and continuous improvement approach to deal with vulnerabilities, cyber threats, and consequences. This includes identifying and assessing existing vulnerabilities, implementing mitigation measures, and constantly monitoring threats and their consequences.

Theoretical contributions:  The conceptual model of Cyber Risks in Services can be a reference for researchers in various fields of action, considering the breadth of the services sector and the interdisciplinary nature of digital risk mitigation.

Managerial contributions: Understanding of cyber risks supports the ability of the organization to respond to them, strengthening its security posture and protecting its critical assets and information from cyber threats.


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Author Biographies

Marcia C. Rossi, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Pesquisadora em Recursos e Desenvolvimento Empresarial. Mestre em Controladoria Empresarial. Professora dos cursos de especialização em Controladoria Financeira e MBA em Gestão Estratégica Empresarial na Universidade Prebisteriana Mackenzie.

Gilberto Perez, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Livre Docente pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP/FEA, 2022). Professor Adjunto do programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração (PPGA) na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.


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How to Cite

Rossi, M. C., & Perez, G. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of publications on cyber risks in the services sector. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 22(1), e23846 .
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