Cyberspace as Asset Specificity




cyberspace, asset specificity, connectivity, interactivity, visibility


Objective: This article proposes cyberspace as the seventh asset specificity in Transaction Cost Theory. To support this view, this article aims to answer the following interconnected questions: (i) what are the characteristics of cyberspace? (ii) what possible forms can it take considering the convergence between asset specificities in the physical and digital environments?

Methodology: This article adopts theoretical and analytical methods, with an analysis of the literature dedicated to Transaction Costs and Cyberspace.

Originality: Cyberspace is proposed as the seventh asset specificity in Transaction Cost Theory, expanding the traditional framework to include digital environments. Unlike conventional assets, cyberspace introduces a triad of connectivity, interactivity, and visibility, serving as a medium and as asset specificity that influences business models. This new asset accentuates the role of cyberspace in transaction costs and managing uncertainty within increasingly digitalized economies.

Theoretical contributions: Cyberspace has the potential to integrate transaction cost theory, highlighting the management of specific assets - constituting a broad field for empirical research. In addition, it is proposed that cyberspace is correlated with the evolution of Service Innovation Theory, discussed in depth by Gallouj and Djellal (2010, 2018 and 2023). 

Managerial contributions: The relevance of cyberspace as an asset specificity is emphasized, enabling managers to understand better and manage uncertainty when making specific investment decisions. These elements are essential for establishing unique characteristics, promoting efficiency, reducing transaction costs, and managing uncertainty.


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Author Biographies

Marcia C. Rossi, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

PhD in Business Administration and Master in Business Controllership. Professor of Financial Controllership in the MBA programs at USP ESALQ, as well as in the MBA programs in Strategic Business Management and Valuation at FECAP and  Mackenzie Presbyterian University.

Faïz Gallouj, Université de Lille - Lille, France

PhD in Economic Sciences. Professor of Economics (Exceptional Class) at the University of Lille and Director of the Master's Program in Management of Innovative Enterprises. He is a member of RESER (European Association for Research on Services) and editor-in-chief of the European Review of Service Economics and Management.

Gilberto Perez, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo. Adjunct Professor in the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. São Paulo/SP - Brazil.


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How to Cite

Rossi, M. C., Gallouj, F., & Perez, G. (2025). Cyberspace as Asset Specificity. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 24(1), e25866.



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