Reverse Knowledge Transfer: A Comparison Between Subsidiaries of Emerging Markets and Subsidiaries of Developed Markets


  • Maitê Alves Bezerra ESPM/MSc student FECAP/Assistant professor
  • Sidney Costa USP/Phd. Student
  • Felipe Mendes Borini USP/Associate Professor ESPM/Professor
  • Moacir De Miranda Oliveira Junior USP/Associate Professor


Palabras clave:

reverse innovation, reverse knowledge transfer, foreign subsidiaries, network, emerging multinational, emerging markets


This paper aims at contrasting the impact of the internal and external network on the reverse knowledge transfer process in foreign subsidiaries in Brazil and Brazilian subsidiaries abroad. With regard to foreign subsidiaries, one hundred seventy-two companies were obtained, and as to the database pertinent to subsidiaries of Brazilian firms, the sample acquired consisted of seventy-eight Brazilian subsidiaries abroad. The results show the impact of the network for both types of multinationals, however, the same does not occur with integration.




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Biografía del autor/a

Maitê Alves Bezerra, ESPM/MSc student FECAP/Assistant professor

Maitê Bezerra is a MSc candidate in International Business at ESPM-SP. She is Assistant Professor in the Business Studies Department at FECAP and has scholarship from FAPESP. Her main research interest is strategies and innovations in foreign subsidiaries.Department of International Business StudiesEscola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-SP)São Paulo – SP, Brazil, R. Álvaro Alvim, 123Vila Mariana - ZipCode: 04018-010E-mail:

Sidney Costa, USP/Phd. Student

Sidney Costa is a Doctoral candidate in Business Administration at University of São Paulo - USP. He has a scholarship from CNPQ. His main research interest is strategies and innovations in multinational companies.University of São PauloDepartment of Business Studies,São Paulo – SP, Brazil, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908Cidade Universitária – ZipCode: 05508-010E-mail:

Felipe Mendes Borini, USP/Associate Professor ESPM/Professor

Felipe Borini is Associate Professor of Global Strategy at ESPM-SP and Professor in the Department of Business Studies at University of São Paulo. He has PhD in Business Administration at University of Sao Paulo (USP). His main research interest is strategies and innovations in foreign subsidiaries.Department of International Business StudiesEscola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-SP)São Paulo – SP, Brazil, R. Álvaro Alvim, 123Vila Mariana - ZipCode: 04018-010E-mail:

Moacir De Miranda Oliveira Junior, USP/Associate Professor

Moacir Oliveira Junior is Associate Professor at University of São Paulo. He has PhD in Business Administration at University of Sao Paulo (USP). His main research interest is strategies in multinational companies.University of São PauloDepartment of Business Studies,São Paulo – SP, Brazil, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908Cidade Universitária – ZipCode: 05508-010E-mail:



Cómo citar

Bezerra, M. A., Costa, S., Borini, F. M., & Oliveira Junior, M. D. M. (2013). Reverse Knowledge Transfer: A Comparison Between Subsidiaries of Emerging Markets and Subsidiaries of Developed Markets. Revista Ibero-Americana De Estratégia, 12(4), 67–90.