A influência da integração da cadeia de suprimentos no desempenho de entrega do fornecedor
supplier delivery performance, supply chain integration, analysis modelAbstract
This work seeks to analyze the influences of the supply chain integration to achieve a superior performance of supplier delivery. In the methodological procedures, a quantitative and descriptive research is outlined. As for the procedures, a self-administered cross-sectional survey was carried out online and in print. As a tool for the treatment and analysis of the questionnaire data, the SPSS software (Statistic Package for Social Study) and the Structural Equation Modeling with estimation by partial least squares (PLS-SEM) were used. As a result, it was found that the proposed model is valid and reliable. The tests carried out did not confirm the research hypothesis, because in the respondents' perception, the influence of the supply chain integration has no positive effect on the supplier's delivery performance. For the first order constructs, all dependencies were positively and statistically significant. Contributions and limitations of the study and suggestions for future work were presented.
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