Analysis of Theses on Sustainability in Masters Business Administration: Mapping the Scenario Gaúcho


  • Carolina Sampaio Marques Universidade Federal do Pampa- unipampa.
  • Marcelo Trevisan Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Masters Business Administration, Sustainability, Dissertations, Universities


This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the production of dissertations postgraduate courses Administration (PPGA), in the Sustainability area in Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. From the documentary analysis of all 1813 dissertations have been published in the gauchos masters, he sought information about the title of the dissertation, year of defense, advisor, search online advisor, keywords. From the title and keywords sought to relate the document Sustainability and if their relationship, the abstract was read, seeking to confirm the relationship. Found 126 dissertations related to the area in the sense carried out by a CAPES site documentary research to identify the academic master courses in Rio Grande do Sul state and the PPGA's sites in search of originating dissertations these programs. The results show that sustainability does not yet have representation in the dissertations of academic masters in Administration of Rio Grande do Sul, but when analyzing the research lines within the program, it is clear that there are courses where the theme is present continuously. Sustainability issues are still perceived as specific subject areas and compartmentalized and not as a general knowledge of the subject in academic masters. Thus, you see the difficulty that the areas have to identify the Sustainability as a concept of application in various activities that are part of the management of daily work.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Sampaio Marques, Universidade Federal do Pampa- unipampa.

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria –UFSM, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Administradora da Universidade Federal do Pampa - unipampa, Rio Grande do Sul.

Marcelo Trevisan, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doutor pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, (Brasil). Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM.



How to Cite

Marques, C. S., & Trevisan, M. (2018). Analysis of Theses on Sustainability in Masters Business Administration: Mapping the Scenario Gaúcho. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 7(1), 62–82.
  • Abstract 110
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 123