Proposal of a conceptual framework based on the triple helix of innovation for smart cities: a study in southern Brazil
Smart city, Triple helix, Innovation, Generic qualitative, ICTsAbstract
Objective: To present a framework with the elements to guide a smart city from the Triple Helix of innovation.
Methodology: this is a generic qualitative study, applying a semi-structured questionnaire with 12 interviewees in four project initiatives that use ICTs in Porto Alegre and Caxias do Sul RS.
Originality/Relevance: the article discusses the important interaction of project initiatives that apply information and communication technology within cities and how the interaction of these projects with the Triple Helix of innovation “University – Company – Government” impact the citizen and the urban environment.
Results: The government of a city lacks to indicate visions for the city and to solve real problems, as well as to develop public politics to encompass these visions. Companies producing services and technologies for a smart city emphasize the capitalization of knowledge for a smart economy, high-tech industry, and a supportive business and enterprise environment. Universities have contributed to smart city projects through their knowledge of making cities clean and green through skilled human resources.
Social / Management Contributions: In the model proposed in this research, it becomes the central element of the concept of smart cities and the Triple Helix of innovation because, according to the combination of smart governance and smart people, these two assumptions develop, apply knowledge through from universities and companies and receive resources and can feed back the innovation ecosystem, contributing to the social, economic and sustainable well-being of the whole community.
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