Challenges in building an energy supply chain from urban solid waste: the role of institutional entrepreneurs
urban solid waste, waste-to-energy, institutional entrepreneurshipAbstract
Objective: Assess the role of institutional entrepreneurs in building a waste-to-energy supply chain from urban solid waste.
Methodology: The research’s units of analysis are the institutional entrepreneurs involved in constructing an energy supply chain at the Western Caucaia Municipal Sanitary Landfill, located in the state of Ceará. The case study, with a qualitative approach, was carried out through semi-structured interviews. The path dependence research technique was adopted to construct the historical pathway and content analysis.
Originality/Relevance: The supply chain investigated was created from a partnership involving the Ceará state government, municipal governments, and companies for the installation of the largest plant in the country capable of injecting biogas, originating from the anaerobic digestion of urban solid waste, in Ceará’s natural gas distribution company (CEGÁS).
Results: Institutional entrepreneurs can drive new institutional arrangements through the development of political, social and technical capabilities. Among the strategies identified, partner selection based on pre-existing trust relationships, and the actions of government actors were critical factors for the success of the energy supply chain from urban solid waste.
Contributions: The study contributes to understanding the role of institutional entrepreneurs in rearranging an energy supply chain. The work offers an analysis of political, social and technical capabilities, and contributes to the construction of sustainable cities with efficient waste management and attentiveness to the environmental and social impacts of unruly urban expansion.
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