Climate change and rising sea levels and their impact on urban areas along the NE/E coast of Santa Catarina
climate change, sea level rise, environmental vulnerability, urban planning, brazilian coastlineAbstract
Objective of the study: To present the results of research into climate change and the impact of sea level rise in urban areas along the northeastern and eastern coastal regions of the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil.
Methodology/approach: This work presents primary data and a bibliometric survey of digital collections, published in scientific journals, analyzed by specialists and published between 2005 and 2022.
Originality/relevance: There are currently hundreds of bibliographies regarding climate change on both an international and national level. On a regional level, given the economic, ecological and demographic importance of the urban areas along the coast of Santa Catarina, there is a lack of studies presented in a systematic and integrated manner.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: Current studies using georeferenced projections make it possible to understand the causes and worsening effects of human activities on natural systems.
Main results: Climate change and the impact of rising sea levels on areas of high urban concentration along the Santa Catarina coast, added to the susceptibility of natural conditions, aggravated by the disorderly use and occupation of space, still lack the integrated mapping and information necessary for urban planning to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Conclusion: The impacts on economic growth and land occupation also represent an opportunity for the collective exploration of the adaptive capacity and resilience of urban ecosystems in the face of current climate change.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alessandra Hodecker-Dietrich, Juarês José Aumond

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