Seeing together the ocean: challenges and contradictions of the ocean decade




2030 Agenda, blue degrowth, knowledge co-construction, transdisciplinarity, transition zones


Context: The Decade of the Ocean to 2030 was declared by the United Nations through the 2030 Agenda for the Ocean and the Blue Economy. However, the growing economic exploitation of the ocean is negatively impacting coastal populations, recontextualizing the continuity of ancestral ways of life and practices.

Objective: Therefore, it is necessary to understand and analyze the contradictions present in this global agenda. To do so, it is essential to adopt a theoretical-methodological framework of plural investigation that encourages the effective and critical participation of all, i.e., an emancipatory and transdisciplinary framework rooted in other cultures, values, and knowledge.

Methodology: Through diverse praxes, a dialogical space was constructed in Costa da Caparica in Portugal to advance the perspective of the desired ocean. Thus, a bottom-up and participatory tool focused on the theme "The ocean that the Ocean desires", which involved participants from different fields who deliberated on the current situation and problematized the scenario at hand.

Originality: In this way, it was possible to analyze the alignment of global agendas with local demands.

Results: The debates revealed different meanings between the desired future for the ocean and the current trajectory, including discussions around the concept of Blue Growth. Furthermore, there was an identification of the need to reimagine society's relationship with the ocean, incorporating fundamental rights, such as the right to time.

Social contributions: It is suggested that constructing an oceanic societal trajectory requires new directions aligned with the pursuit of a more just and ecologically wise society.


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Author Biographies

Mayra Jankowsky, Fisheries Institute

Advanced Center for Marine Fish Research and Development - Fisheries Institute/Santos, São Paulo-Brazil.

Post-doctorate in Environmental Sciences, at the Observatory of Ocean Literacy, Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Collaborating researcher at the Oceanic Literacy Observatory, MARE NOVA. Post-doctoral researcher at the Fisheries Institute in the Socioeconomic Characterization Project of Fishing and Aquaculture Activity in the Rio Doce Hydrographic Basin (MG/ES) at the Fisheries Institute - Cananéia, SP, Brazil. He works on topics related to society and environment interaction, especially focused on the area of ​​natural resource management, especially participatory management and the resolution of socio-environmental conflicts.

Mônica Mesquita, NOVA University of Lisbon

PhD in Educational Sciences with specializations in Community Education (Pt) and Socioanthropology of Space (UK), and Post-Doctorates in Educational Sciences - Political Philosophy in Education, and in Environmental Sciences - Oceanic Literacy and Resilient Communities, Mônica Mesquita is an Ethnography and currently Guest Professor and Principal Researcher at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and member of the MARE Center since 2016, where she coordinates the Observatory of Ocean Literacy. Acts as local coordinator of two international projects: Work practices in small communities in Brazil and Portugal: sustainability in know-how for social and economic equity, awarded with resources from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, founded by CNPq-Brazil and Action-Research for Youth in Europe Marine Science, ERASMUS+ Project. It works with participatory methodologies, such as critical ethnography and participatory action research, to encourage the collaboration of all actors involved in research, aiming at the full exercise of citizen science in pluriversal roots.


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How to Cite

Jankowsky, M., & Mesquita, M. (2024). Seeing together the ocean: challenges and contradictions of the ocean decade. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 13(1), e25799.
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