Environmental Management Systems in The Pulp and Paper Industry


  • Alessandra Buss Tessaro Instituto de Pós-Graduação de Goiás (IPOG)
  • Cristiane Pedrazzi Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel)
  • Amarildo Antonio Tessaro União de Ensino do Sudoeste do Paraná (Unisep)




Auditing, Environmental Management, Cellulose and Paper Industry, ISO 14.001


At the currently moment companies tend to seek a differential to compete in the market, emerging the environment as one of them. Environmental quality norms surged in the manufacturing process of products and inputs, being the protection to consumer one of the main benefits of normalization, once it standardized requirements to establish the quality of products and services. ISO 14.001 offers guidelines for environmental management systems, using auditing as a tool for verifying the effectiveness of management systems. This research targeted to analyze the use of environmental auditing by the cellulose and paper companies as a supportive tool in environmental management, investigate the reasons of usage as well as the benefits generated by it along with ABTCP, BRACELPA and SINPASUL. This study shows that the cellulose and paper companies that have invested in the production ecologically correct are achieving good results, financially and competitive. It is clear in the research that independently of the size of the company these results can be achieved for all the companies by adopting environmental auditing.


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How to Cite

Tessaro, A. B., Pedrazzi, C., & Tessaro, A. A. (2013). Environmental Management Systems in The Pulp and Paper Industry. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 2(2), 104–124. https://doi.org/10.5585/geas.v2i2.53


