The Use and Importance of Sustainability Indicators in Organizations – Case Studies in Electric Power Companies


  • Antonio Carlos Alcantara Thimoteo UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Marcos Paixão Garcez UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Flavio Junior Hourneaux Junior UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho



Sustainability, Indicators, GRI


The study aims to understand the use and relative importance of sustainability indicators based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, through case studies in two expressive Brazilian electrical power supply companies. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The results show that both companies have used the majority of GRI indicators and their managers have identified all the three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – as important, although the degrees of importance are different between the two companies, possibly due to the diverse sustainability management maturity and different scope in their operations along the value chain. Therefore Company 1, which works on generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, has shown higher maturity on sustainability management and presents a more balanced indicators system among the three dimensions, while Company 2, which operates in transmission and distribution, shows less concern with environmental indicators.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Carlos Alcantara Thimoteo, UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho

Mestre em Administração em Gestão de Projetos e Docente a mais de 8 anos anos.

Marcos Paixão Garcez, UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho

Doutor - Administração em Gestão de Projetos

Flavio Junior Hourneaux Junior, UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho

Doutor - Administração



How to Cite

Thimoteo, A. C. A., Garcez, M. P., & Hourneaux Junior, F. J. (2015). The Use and Importance of Sustainability Indicators in Organizations – Case Studies in Electric Power Companies. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 4(3), 89–102.
  • Abstract 200
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 107