The Sector Players’ Perception on the Influence of Sugarcane Environmental Protocol in Corporate Environmental Management Process: A Study of Industry Managers in the Middle Region of Assis-SP


  • Edenis César Oliveira Faculdades Gammon - Fundação Gammon de Ensino



Sustainable Development. Environment. Environmental Management. Sugarcane industry. Agro-environmental Protocol.


Brazilian agriculture has undergone an unprecedented environmental crisis. In this scenario, it is the agribusiness and sugarcane suppliers, working in the sugarcane industry, which have had a strong growth, with significant economic, social and environmental impacts. Studies have shown that the inclusion of environmental concerns in corporate management can bring competitiveness gains for organizations, as well as improve their image before their stakeholders. The social demand for a cleaner environment, coupled with increasing environmental regulation, have forced companies in this sector to perform and participate in extensive programmes for prevention and mitigation of environmental impacts. In this design, the Agro-environmental Protocol for the Paulista sugarcane industry has arisen, consisting of a cooperation agreement signed in June 2007 between the government of the State of São Paulo, represented by the Secretaries of State for the Environment; Agriculture and Supply; Industry Union of cane sugar; and the Sugar Cane Growers Organization's South-Central Region. The research presented here aimed to investigate the perception of managers of agribusinesses and suppliers located in the middle region of Assis-SP on the influence of the Agro-environmental Protocol in corporate environmental management process. Nineteen semi-structured interviews with the environmental managers of each signatory organization were applied. The results showed strong influence of the Agro-environmental Protocol in environmental management processes of organizations, especially with the implementation and enforcement actions to meet the directive techniques of the Agro-environmental Protocol, which has contributed to organizations internalize environmental issues and moving towards a more proactive stance.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. C. (2016). The Sector Players’ Perception on the Influence of Sugarcane Environmental Protocol in Corporate Environmental Management Process: A Study of Industry Managers in the Middle Region of Assis-SP. Revista De Gestão Ambiental E Sustentabilidade, 5(1), 94–109.