Change management for the implementation of a Shared Services Center in an oil company
Change Management. Shared Services Center. Organizational Change. Best Practices. Project Management.Abstract
Nowadays, Organizational Change is gaining more attention as companies are investing in constant process change in order to achieve improvements and increase their competitiveness in the marketplace. However, an analysis of the literature on the subject shows that though changes are necessary and frequent, their level of success is still small. Therefore, organizations need to be concerned with proper Change Management techniques to ensure their success of implementation. Thus the objective of this work is to report a case study of the change management process in a fuel distribution company with the implementation of a Shared Services Center. Firstly, a review of the literature on Change Management and Organizational Change was performed. Secondly, the review focused on the few articles on Shared Services Center (CSC). The process of Change Management of the mentioned project in the company is presented in order to demonstrate by comparison with the literature what and how the process were conducted and how fit they were with the published literature findings. The company’s success story presents indications that the use of the techniques present in the literature and the good practices of change management can be a success factor for implementation projects in companies of the Oil and Gas sector, specifically, in the area of distribution and marketing of fuels.
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